How to Make the Most of Annuity Awareness Month - Western Asset Protection
How to Make the Most of Annuity Awareness Month

How to Make the Most of Annuity Awareness Month

The National Association for Fixed Annuities (NAFA) has named June as National Annuity Awareness Month. During this time, NAFA’s goal is to educate and inform the American public on the role annuities play in financial planning for retirement. Although annuities are a year-round sales opportunity, this is a great time to take advantage of NAFA’s marketing campaign. Spread the word to your clients and prospects on why annuities may be the financial solution they seek to protect their retirement income.

Why Annuities Are So Popular

By 2030, an estimated 73 million Baby Boomers will have turned 65. Having lived through COVID-19 uncertainties, inflation, rising costs, and market volatility, fears about running out of money in their retirement years is what keeps many of them up at night. More than ever, this demographic seeks predictable investments that will protect them against losses and provide a reliable source of income to last their lifetime.

Annuities can be customized to suit a wide range of needs. There are many types, including fixed, variable, and indexed annuities. In recent years, structured annuities that offer upside growth and downside protection against losses have become popular. Now is the time to tap into this lucrative market.

Create Your Marketing Strategy

The most effective way to engage with your clients and prospects during National Annuities Awareness Month is to incorporate messaging into your existing marketing strategies. Share information on how annuities work and how they are an effective financial tool for retirement income. Encourage people to reach out to you directly for an individualized retirement planning review, where they’ll learn more about the different types of annuity products and how these products would work for them.

  • Social Media

Using your social media accounts is one of the easiest ways to spread awareness of National Annuities Month. Post informative articles on annuities and why they are a good investment.

  • Website

If you have a website, be sure to add a page about annuities under your products and services. 

  • Email Signature & Newsletter

Include information about National Annuities Awareness Month in your monthly email newsletter. Let your clients know that you offer annuity solutions by adding a small note to your email signature, such as: Ask Me About Annuities!

  • Personal Phone Calls and Emails

Phone calls and personal emails are a great way to follow up with existing clients who have shown an interest in annuities in the past. This will give you the chance to have an in-depth discussion about their needs.

  • Create an Annuity Specific Marketing Flyer

Use flyers to promote annuity products not just during June but throughout the whole year. Attach the flyer to your email communications, post it on social media, hand it to clients during meetings, and use it for targeted mailings. NAFA has fliers available here.

Client Education Is Key

Your product knowledge and expertise will play a crucial role in your sales success. Whereas many of your clients may have heard of annuities, they may not understand how annuities work. An annuity sales pitch should cover all the factors that may impact a client’s decision, including the different types of annuities and the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Annuities give clients the peace of mind that they will not outlive their money. However, annuities are not for everyone. A thorough needs assessment will help you determine if an annuity is a good match for clients based on their age, health, income, risk tolerance, and liquidity needs.

WAP Can Help

Before you can sell annuities, you must be licensed in your state and must complete any required certifications from the annuity companies you represent. Western Asset Protection can help you get contracted with insurance companies to sell annuities. Our experienced team will help you take your business to the next level. Contact us today.