2025 Medicare Certifications and AHIP Training - Western Asset Protection
2025 Medicare Certifications and AHIP Training

2025 Medicare Certifications and AHIP Training

With open enrollment just a few months away, now is the best time to start working on your Medicare certifications. Regulations and insurance products change every year. Even if you sold Medicare in the past, you are required to recertify.

Step 1: Get Your NABIP or AHIP Certification

  • NABIP Certification: NABIP is a great place to complete your annual Medicare Advantage training. At a standard cost of $100, the NABIP Medicare, Medicare Advantage and Compliance Requirements Certification program meets all CMS requirements and provides free CE credits. This training is accepted by many carriers – but before you start, make sure your carriers are on their list. You can access the Medicare Advantage Certification Training User Guide here.
  • AHIP Certification: Many carriers require agents to be American Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) certified. AHIP’s training course and exam come out every June for the following plan year. Knowing what to expect can help you be prepared. WAP agents will find additional AHIP guidance and discounts in the Medicare Engine and can access the AHIP Online Medicare Training Course User Guide here.

Step 2: Get Certified with Your Carriers

Each carrier has its own certification process to ensure you’re ready to sell new plans and that you have the knowledge needed to support their renewal clients. Even if you are no longer selling a carrier’s products, you’ll need to update your certification to be eligible for renewal income. Visit each carrier’s portal to learn more about their certification requirements. Also, you may be able to get certified with all your carriers in just two days by attending the WAPCon Conference on September 11 and 12.

Frequently Asked Questions About AHIP

Here are some commonly asked questions about the certification requirements and processes.

When does AHIP 2025 start?

The AHIP training courses and exam will be available on June 24, 2024. After July 20, 2024, the 2024 AHIP course will no longer be available. Agents who need to complete 2024 training can take a dual training course that offers certification for 2024 and 2025. This course will be made available on July 2, 2024.

Who has to take the exam?

CMS requires that all agents and brokers who want to sell 2025 MA and PDP plans must have their 2025 AHIP certification. You must pass the exam and receive certification every year.

What does it cost?

The AHIP exam costs $175 but check the Medicare Engine to see if any of your carriers offer a discount.

What topics does the exam cover?

The exam has two parts. The first part covers Medicare basics such as eligibility, benefits, and understanding the different types of MA and PDP plans. It also covers compliance with CMS marketing guidelines and following proper enrollment procedures. The second part is specific to Medicare Fraud, Waste and Abuse (FWA) and covers the cost of fraud, how to detect fraud, and how to report it.

What should I know about the exam?

The exam consists of 50 questions and must be completed within two hours. It is open book so you can use notes. You must have a score of 90% or higher to pass. You are allowed three attempts at passing.

What is the best way to prepare for the exam?

Taking the required AHIP training modules and follow-up quizzes is the best way to prepare for the exam. Even if you have taken the exam in prior years, CMS regulations often change, so updating your knowledge is important. Many of the questions in the quizzes are repeated in the exam. Pay attention to any questions you answered incorrectly so you know where to spend extra time reviewing. Also, be sure to review the AHIP Online Medicare Training Course User Guide here.

As you complete the training modules and quizzes, take good notes. Because AHIP is an open-book exam, you can use your notes during the test. Experienced test takers recommend organizing your notes in a format that can be easily searched, such as a Word document. Remember you have two hours to complete this test. This allows slightly more than 2 minutes per question. You need to be efficient with your use of time.

Prepare yourself mentally and physically for the exam. Make sure you are well rested. You need a quiet place to take the exam where you won’t be disrupted. A little advanced planning can help ensure your success.

What happens if I fail?

If you fail twice, please reach out to your upline for support. If you fail all three attempts, you must purchase another test and try again. Some carriers may prohibit you from selling their plans if you fail three times in one year. There is no required waiting time between tests. Give yourself time to review any of the questions you struggled with to be better prepared when you retake the exam.

Some carriers may require a copy of your AHIP certification before you can receive your carrier certification for selling their 2025 plans during AEP. Once you pass your test you can download your certificate and save it for future use.

Time flies, and AEP will be here before you know it. Completing your AHIP certification early will free you up for more time-consuming tasks such as carrier training and certifications.

If you have questions, Western Asset Protection is dedicated to your success. Contact us today.