Essential Business Resources for Insurance Agents - Western Asset Protection
business resources for insurance agents

Essential Business Resources for Insurance Agents

Are you an insurance agent who works from home? If so, how would you rate the professionalism, security, and efficiency of your home office workspace?

When remote work spiked and remote meetings became a requirement during the pandemic, many home-based agents got by with quickly sourced tools to enable virtual meetings.

However, now that remote work is here to say, it’s time to ensure you have the equipment needed to optimize your cyber security, customer experience, branding, and growth. Below is an overview of essential business resources to consider.

1. Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is a significant concern for businesses of all types and sizes. No company is too small to be a target for cybercriminals. In fact, Verizon’s 2021 Data Breach Investigations Report found that 46% of all cyber breaches impacted businesses with fewer than 1,000 employees.

To cover potential cyber threats while optimizing your workspace efficiency at home, you may need several tools and an expert to help you properly implement them. An IT consultant who works hourly can be an invaluable resource to anyone who works at home. If you search online for the term: “City, State IT Consultant for Home-Based Business,” you’ll find many options.

For example, in Phoenix, AZ, the following choices appear:


We have not vetted these providers, and we do not recommend any particular vendor. These are simply examples of IT consultants that may be willing to work with you. If you pay for a few hours of their time, they can set up and install everything you need. Before hiring anyone, ask if they’ve worked with insurance agents or other home-based business owners, and make a list of your questions/concerns for further discussion.

By establishing an IT relationship, you have someone you can call if IT issues arise in the future. Because cyber security is complex and evolving, a DIY approach is not recommended.

2. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Keeping track of all your customers and leads is challenging if you lack specialized software. A customer relationship management (CRM) tool is much more effective than storing information in a spreadsheet or word document.

If you haven’t already done so, the Spring season is an excellent time to get your CRM system populated and functional. While there are countless advantages of using your CRM system, here are three quick ways to get started.

  • Enter data about all your clients and prospects. Include information about their product type and carrier so you can easily sort clients into groups and organize future outreach. For example, you may want to schedule an in-person product update for all your Human MA clients. If your CRM is set up correctly, it’s easy to identify and email them.
  • Schedule your next point of contact with each person. We recommend marking time on your calendar every day to consistently connect with at least 10 contacts. Staying in touch with your clients is the most important way to increase retention rates.
  • Set up email templates. If you set up templates within your CRM for standard types of outreach, you can save yourself a lot of time in the future. For example, if you have an appointment thank you and follow-up template, you don’t have to rewrite it each time. You simply go into your CRM, choose the contact, launch the template, customize, and send. Then, your CRM maintains a copy of what you sent, which is also convenient and time-saving.

3. E-newsletter

While your CRM system is great for one-on-one email communication, you may also want to send an e-newsletter or other announcements/invitations to all your clients or groups of contacts. A monthly e-newsletter is a fantastic way to stay in touch and improve customer retention and email marketing platforms make it easy to do this.

Constant Contact, MailChimp, and MailerLite are a few inexpensive options to consider. These platforms are intuitive and come with robust training, so you don’t have to be a graphic designer or an HTML pro to use them. However, if you don’t want to take the time to figure it out, consider hiring a virtual executive assistant or an email marketing expert.

4. Subject Line Checker

Nothing will send your email into junk faster than a bad subject line. And as it turns out, the word “insurance” is considered to be a spammy word by a number of email platforms. Before you hit the send button, take a moment to check your subject line. In addition to the checker that might be part of your e-newsletter platform, an online tool like SendCheckIt allows you to doublecheck the strength of your subject line and refine as needed. They also have a new companion tool called Hoppy Copy, which provides AI-generated email text suggestions.

5. Social Media

If you’re using social media as part of your branding and outreach efforts (and you should be), it makes sense to use a social media scheduling/management tool. This will enable you to track activity on all platforms at once and schedule posts for times when you’re most likely to receive engagement. Compare services like Hootsuite, Sprout Social and Buffer to find an option that offers the kinds of tools you need at a price point you can afford.

6. Graphic Design

You may occasionally need design tools to create email graphics, social posts and customer letters and fliers. If you’re needs are simple, you may not have to hire a graphic designer. In fact, it’s possible to create professional-looking graphics on your own with design tools such as Canva, Designs.AI or Adobe Express.

7. Stock Photos and Images

When creating marketing pieces, it’s important to use licensed photos and images to avoid the potential for copyright infringement. You should never copy and use a photo from the internet, and you should especially never use an images of celebrities or other brands in the promotion of your own business.

Many regular people repost internet images and pictures of celebrities, so it may seem like it’s OK for a business owner to do so as well. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. As a business owner, you are a prime target for litigation. If the owner of a photo, or a celebrity or brand sees that you have posted their copyrighted images online, you could be sued. With AI technology, your unlicensed images can easily be detected.

To avoid these issues, purchase the rights to use stock photos and illustrations. You can easily do so with websites such as Adobe Stock, Big Stock Photo, Getty Images and others. Also, if you’re using a design software (like those mentioned above), they may offer a selection of licensed images you can safely use.

8. Email Signature

If you’re frustrated by the way your email signature displays on different screens, you’re not alone. While you can set up a default signature through your email program, it may not display properly on mobile devices and other email programs. Fortunately, an email signature software can help you consistently display a professional email signature. Companies to consider include WiseStamp, Opensense and Templafy. You’ll find many other options by searching “email signature software.”

9. Virtual Assistant

Need help with all these ideas? You can easily hire affordable marketing and administrative help on websites like Upwork, ProAssisting or AgencyVA. You’ll find countless other options if you search online for “Insurance Virtual Assistants.” Virtual Assistant can help with many of the items on this list, from CRM and e-newsletter set up to social media post development and scheduling.

10. MedicareCENTER

While the resources discussed so far are great for all types of home-based businesses, Medicare agents need a few more tools of the trade. Western Asset Protection provides insurance agents with the services they need to grow their businesses. Our MedicareCENTER is a one-stop solution hub that includes enrollment & quoting tools, a CRM platform and call recording, as well as a learning center, lead center and our PlanEnroll and permanent PURL creator. Contact us to learn more.