Medicare Client Retention Strategies - Western Asset Protection
Medicare Client Retention Strategies

Medicare Client Retention Strategies

Client retention is a year-round job for Medicare agents. It’s not just a task; it’s a strategic move essential for a Medicare agent’s success. Following up and staying in touch throughout the year demonstrates your value and helps nurture strong and trusting relationships. Growing your business becomes much easier when you retain more existing clients, and they refer their friends.

Although you know it’s easier to retain existing clients than prospect for new ones, you may find it challenging to balance retention activities with all your other responsibilities. The following tips will help you manage this important task effectively and efficiently.

Regular and Consistent Communication Is Key

Building strong relationships is crucial for a Medicare agent’s success. This requires regular and consistent outreach. You should check in with clients periodically to find out if anything has changed, how their plan is working, and if they have questions or other needs. Frequent contact helps clients easily remember who to call. It also prevents your competitors from luring your clients away.

It’s important to know each client’s preferred method of contact, whether by phone, mail, email, or text message. This will increase the odds that your clients receive and engage with your messages.

The ANOC Communication Opportunity

ANOC is a critical time of year for communicating with clients. However, agents often underutilize this window of opportunity. Here are some touchpoints to consider:

1. Send clients a note telling them to keep an eye out for the ANOC letter from their carrier.

2. Reach out to each client individually to answer questions about the carrier’s noted changes.

3. Invite clients to a carrier-specific ANOC event prior to AEP.

4. Encourage attendees to pre-schedule their one-on-one AEP meetings.

5. At the start of AEP, follow up to set and confirm all appointments.

This extra communication around ANOC can bring a lot of value to your clients, who will appreciate that you are proactively keeping them informed.

You can hold these educational meetings in partnership with the carrier representative, who can present plan changes. Schedule several different carrier meetings over multiple days. For example, you could invite a group of clients to attend one carrier meeting on Monday and then meet with a different group of clients with a different carrier on Wednesday.

Remember, it’s important to plan ahead when holding an educational meeting. For instance, you must file the meeting with CMS and the carrier in advance.

As you wrap up your meetings, encourage attendees to contact you once AEP begins through one-on-one meetings to review plan changes and their personal needs. This will help maximize your success during AEP and increase the likelihood that your clients will reach out to you instead of to someone else.

Use Technology to Your Advantage

Technology can support your communication strategy and save you time in multiple ways. Online tools help you create personalized messages and automate delivery. Features and costs vary, as does the time commitment for initial setup. But once you have laid the foundations, you can rest easy knowing everything is taking place in the background, freeing you up for other important work. Below are a few common tools to consider. Keep in mind that these suggestions are not product endorsements.

  • CRM Systems

Use your CRM tool to schedule reminders for regular outreach. Some tools also have options for marketing automation and multichannel communication. For example, you may be able to create and schedule customized emails from your CRM. WAP agents have access to a CRM system as part of their technology solution bundle.

  • Personalized Handwritten Direct Mail

Handwritten notes offer a personal touch that seniors appreciate. People tend to open handwritten notes more often than junk mail. AI services that mimic human handwriting allow you to choose a format and font for your message and set a schedule for mailing. This is a great way to send birthday cards. A few online AI platforms that offer this service include Handwrytten, Scribe Handwritten, and SimplyNoted. Costs will vary depending on what you want to do, but there are options for almost every budget.

  • Email Marketing Platforms

If your CRM tool does not offer email automation, use an online email marketing platform. This will enable you to send a customized personal email message at the right time to the right audience. Two popular email platforms for small business are Constant Contact and Mailchimp.

  • Social Media

Social media is a great way to reach a large number of current and potential clients. You can easily share information, promote your services, and provide helpful resources. It’s important to keep your social media accounts up to date with content that is interesting and relevant to your audience. You can make social posting more efficient using a post-scheduling tool such as Hootsuite, Sprout Social, or Loomly. Download our social media guide for more information.

As you explore client retention opportunities and ANOC communication, reach out to us with any questions that arise. The dedicated team at Western Asset Protection is here to help. We are committed to your success. Contact us today.